A Badly Titled First Post

I’ve contemplated how to start writing my introduction to blogging for several days before even having the slightest idea of what I’m going to talk about in the post itself. I, like many others would consider myself a perfectionist. Or at least I once did.

Perfectionism. Refusing to accept any standard short of perfection. Is this really what I am? Is it really what you are? Or is it simply just a good excuse for not doing anything at all. I’ve always wanted a place in which I could project my unadulterated thoughts, ideas, theories, projects, and everything else I’m ready to show to the world, but for the longest time I would focus on it’s image, theme, the consistency it would have, its appearance and how it would be perceived. I have spent more time thinking about the title of this post than I have actually typing up the post or even the body of content that you’re reading right now.

Maybe I just prefer to create short tag line ideas than I do actual tangible content. Or maybe I’m too busy focusing on this overbearing concept of ‘Perfectionism’. I suppose an idea can only ever be perfect when it remains in our own heads. It gets corrupted and skewed when others start creating their own perception of it which is ultimately what drives us to stay silent. Locking our creative thoughts in our heads, not in fear of being judged, but in fear of losing those impeccably spotless beliefs and concepts.

I think we are all subject to this burden and that some are able to conjure up the energy to force those creative ideas out into the world without fear of others taking them and making them their own. And once a regular people like you and I free ourselves from perfectionism, we become artists. And those ideas we have locked up in our minds become art. I’ve come to the conclusion that art is not a thought we have that we then implement into reality but rather it only becomes art once it’s implemented into reality.

Can it really be called art until someone else has observed it?

Until it has been visually explored or audibly experienced, is it not just the creator’s creation rather than the artist’s art?

I, of course, don’t have the answers to the questions i’m asking and I don’t expect you to either. I’m simply asking for the sake of asking. For the sake of having a thought I’ve never had before. Forcing myself to think in ways I’ve never thought. Will this tangent be remembered for years to come? Probably not. Is to a profound work of essay writing? Absolutely not.

But what it is, is a start. 

What I’m really trying to say is that every time you have an idea, execute it! Don’t give it time to play over in your mind. Put something into work and refine it as you’re creating it. I spent countless hours thinking of a title for this piece before I even knew what I wanted to write about only to come to the conclusion that it doesn’t really matter because if I spent my entire time thinking of the concept it would only ever remain a concept. The bad title to a published work is much better than an unpublished work with a great title. 

So if you’ve to take anything away from this ramble it’s that I’ve come to the realisation that I would rather create something that some people like and some people hate than to leave an idea in my head where it can remain perfect but only perfect to me.